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Folks in Wiarton may know Paul Poirer, owner of PJ Computing. He’s the local expert in computer repair.
Since switching from DSL to Xplore Fibre, he’s been able to help more people, faster.
“My customers will be happy because my time to them is a whole lot less and I get more machines done in a day. I can get a download done in hours where before it was taking days,” he said.
Where DSL uses older technology to transmit data through copper phone lines, fibre uses ultra-thin fibre-optic cables to send data at up to 100 times faster.
“We were still running on 1900s technology. It was copper wire until Xplore came to town. If it rained or the wind blew, the DSL would knock off. We were down more than we were up,” Paul explained.
He and his wife moved to Wiarton 30 years ago to raise their kids in a small town. They live blocks away from the hospital, grocery store, downtown, and the shoreline.
Now, with reliable, high-speed internet they can enjoy their small-town life and not have to compromise when it comes to Internet.
This is especially important for Paul because much of his work is done from home.
“It’s been wonderful...With the weather fluctuations this month I didn’t have any downtime Internet-wise. It was really nice,” he said.
Many people in Wiarton subscribe to satellite television, which Paul says also tends to go out during bad weather.
"Every time we get heavy overcast it goes out. With the fibre, we can stream without buffering and watch a movie from start to end,” he said.
Paul also subscribes to Xplore’s home phone service, which is very important for his business as it’s the way he communicates with clients.
“I’m on it right now and it’s as clear as a bell – a lot better than what we had when it was hard-wired! And, the savings from canceling the phone line are already covering the cost of my Internet so how are you going to beat that. Just on the phone we’re saving $50 a month – that's huge,” he said.
Join Paul and experience the fastest Internet technology – 100% pure fibre Internet! Call 1-866-601-0021 or Check Fibre Internet Availability today.
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