Get Holiday Deals on Fast Home Internet! Check Deals Available at Your Home!
Halloween is a beloved autumn holiday; one that will have many families getting very crafty and creative!
Xplore internet service serves even the most rural residents, so no matter where you are, you can get online and start planning your Halloween festivities with lots of delightful costume ideas, pumpkin carving stencils and so much more!
The web is home to tons of unique and creative ideas for homemade Halloween décor, along with fall harvest-themed decorations, which can stay up through November.
From homemade ghosts, to handmade scarecrows and creepy jello molds for that upcoming Halloween party, is home to tons of great ideas for a spooky and festive fall season.
Are you looking for a fun and creative halloween costume idea? Did you wait too long to visit the costume shop, arriving to find that all the best costumes have already been bought out? Or maybe you’re on a budget and need some clever homemade Halloween costume ideas.
Whatever the case, Xplore is your ticket to thousands of last minute Halloween costume concepts! Stop by for step-by-step costume directions or make your way to’s gallery of no-sew Halloween costume ideas for the kids! also has some great ideas for adults who are seeking a fabulous costume idea for that Halloween party for the grown-ups!
Are you looking for some inspiration for your pumpkin carving project? Print out a few free pumpkin carving patterns!
Pumpkin carving is practically an art form, as there’s no limit to how elaborate you can get with your Jack-o-lantern. In fact, many get so attached to their creations that they opt for imitation pumpkins (called Fun-Kins) in place of the real thing, so they can admire their clever creations year after year!
Those printable pumpkin carving patterns can also double as a great coloring sheets for the kids! So print out a few extra Halloween-themed pumpkin carving printables from sites like Better Homes and Gardens, or
And don’t forget to share those incredible creations (and crazy costumes) with your friends on Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter (and while you’re at it, stop by our page at Facebook and follow us on Twitter @Xplore_ca)
These are just a few of the fun things that you can do this Halloween and fall harvest season with your Xplore internet connection! So log on and make this autumn one to remember!
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